DX11 Graphics API Demo (C++/HLSL)
For one of my courses at DePaul, we spent the quarter learning how to build an API layer on top of DirectX 11, designed to have a game engine built on top of it. This was our final project for the course, which was meant to incorporate what we had learned throughout.
In this demo, you can see…
A directional light (including ambient, diffuse, and specular light properties)
Seven moving point lights of different colors (also with A/D/S properties)
A fog effect to be rendered past a given distance
Vertex normals for light calculations
Ambient, diffuse, and specular components to each model’s material properties
UV texture mapping
An HLSL shader I wrote to handle the above lighting and texturing effects
Texture filtering
A custom-made skybox class
A terrain model class which can generate terrain from a grayscale heightmap